
Evidence of God’s Grace :: Part One

One of our family pastors tells us to look for evidence of God’s grace as we help out in the kid’s classes at church. I love that. Giving God the glory and not humans and looking for the good, not just the problems.

Last week I totally had evidence of God’s grace.

The morning was going ok, but I was a little crabby and impatient. My kid’s had a little of the same and it just was not a pleasant place to be by lunch time. So, I laid the hammer down “That’s it you guys are taking a nap!”

By the time I actually got lunch ready it was 1:00 and they were finishing eating at about 1:30. I was thinking I don’t want them to take a late nap and I know Abby is to old for a nap, so what will she do….

Then God threw a brick at my head, what You ALL need is quiet time.

Quiet Time! I had totally forgotten about quiet time, it had been so long, but it was the perfect solution. So, I told them they could play quietly in their own rooms, and of course, they liked that idea better than a nap.

Ahhhh! Yes, thank you God! This is nice! I grabbed a handful of m&m’s (or 2), a coke, and my book and snuggled under my lap blanket on the couch. I stayed there for an hour, finishing the last of my book. Then I decided that I should let the kids out.

I went up to the serene quietness and this is what I found.


This is not where His grace ends. The rest of story will be continued next week

The Lord is my strength and my shield;
in him my heart trusts, and I am helped;
my heart exults,
and with my song I give thanks to him.

Psalm 28:7

4 thoughts on “Evidence of God’s Grace :: Part One

  1. Yes. We do forget sometimes that we don’t have to sleep in order to ‘enter into His rest’. I enjoyed my ‘quiet time’ on the drive home yesterday.


  2. What a lovely day God gave you after being obedient. Constant reminders and relearning is a constant in my life. I forget and He reminds me and I then relearn. Blessings to you.


  3. I love quiet times. My oldest is 12 and my youngest is almost 5 so nap time has sort of been phased out in my world too although I often need one! When the kids are getting on my nerves which happens a lot especially since I homeschool, I tell them to please go do something quiet for an hour in their rooms. Sometimes I even let them watch a movie approved by myself as long as its quiet but generally, I like them to go read or draw or play quietly. I tend to get crabby more than I like to admit.


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