Healthy · weight loss

Journey to a Healthier Me: Will the Scale Win?

I woke up this morning at 5:29, one minute before my alarm was to go off. I quickly turned it off before it was to start playing the heavenly harp music that I wake up to.

I browsed the social media on my phone for a couple of minutes. Then I remembered it was my day to weigh in. So, I got up, remembering what the scale said yesterday. (Yes, I cheated and weighed myself a day early.) It had said I was the same as last week. So, I was thinking if I lost a pound overnight, that would be great.

I stepped on the scale. I waited for the calculation… and there it was in big neon lights –You Gained 3 Pounds!!!

I was frustrated since, just yesterday, I was three pounds lighter! (note to self you really shouldn’t weigh your self more than once a week.)

I got my exercise clothes on because today I was going to run. Now I knew I needed that run.

I was about 10 minutes in and I thought about quitting. I could just walk the rest of the way and call it good. I mulled it over in my mind.


I need to keep going.
The number on the scale isn’t most important!
I will finish this run!
I will keep living healthy.
I will do better this week.

My weight last week: 151.5 pounds

My weight this week: 154.5 pounds

Total weight lost this year: 29.5 pounds

This week I am going to start tracking my water, exercise, and calories to keep myself accountable.

What changes do you need to make this week?

10 thoughts on “Journey to a Healthier Me: Will the Scale Win?

  1. You have kept me going Paula. I’ve lost almost all of my ‘vacation’ weight gain just by paying attention to what I eat and how much.


  2. I have been the same …exactly the same. for 2 months. So beyond frustrated. I already count calories. already track my water. don’t drink anything but. and yet…I don’t run. I fast walk. Maybe I need to step that up. thanks for spurring me on!


  3. Hi Paula,

    You are very inspiring. I’m glad to be on a weight loss journey with you.

    I don’t think the scale is going to be too friendly to me next week, either. We ate out at Chick-fil-a this week, and today we are having a big birthday meal for my husband’s birthday. Oh well! 🙂 Time to celebrate.


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