
January 3 in 30 – Week 1

January Snowstorm at Goddard

Photo by NASA/GSFC

This my first week of doing my 3 in 30 goals. I really am thankful for the accountability I receive from blogging about it.

Here’s how it’s going:

Getting up early– I have been doing well at this. I have gotten up every morning at 5:30, but it’s hard, especially when I get to bed late. I had one day where i went to bed at 12:30 and that made getting up extremely difficult. Going to bed early gets me the rest I need, makes my day go better, and getting up easier. This week I will continue getting up at 5:30 every day and work harder to get to bed at a decent hour at night.

Time management– I had made a rough draft time schedule of what I should be doing. Monday I did great and stuck to it. I really saw the benefits of all that I was able to get done. The next day I was a little less disciplined. Wednesday the schedule was totally out the window and I really didn’t get anything done. Thursday and Friday were better but not as good as Monday. My biggest problem is the magnet that continually pulls me to the computer. That’s where most of my time gets wasted. This has been a most difficult goal. This week I think I need to actually turn off my computer(GASP!) in the morning until lunch time.

Thank You Cards– I had my kids each get one thank you card done this week. It’s really a great thing for them to get done while I do a read-a-loud for school. I, procrastinator, got a couple of mine done tonight.

How are you doing on your goals?

3in30 Challenge

4 thoughts on “January 3 in 30 – Week 1

  1. Getting up early makes the day feel so much longer. I love it! Fortunately I am an early riser by nature. I have found, though, that recently I keep getting in bed later and later because there is so much I want to do. I made a deal with myself, though. Bedtime was set with 30 minutes to read, making me feel I have “me time” every single night. It has worked wonders! I’m getting more reading done than I have in years, and I’m in bed ready to settle down for the night. Would something like that work for you?


    1. Karen, that’s a great suggestion! I haven’t been getting my book reading in this week. Maybe if I add it to my schedule it will give me something to look forward to and stop for. Thanks!


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