
Bless a Burdened Family by Running Errands


Running around trying to get errands run, can be somewhat stressful or maybe even impossible in some burdened situations. A family member might be housebound with illness and its hard to leave, or running to appointments may consume their time. It can be really helpful just to text and ask if the family needs help with various everyday tasks like errand running.

Errands You Can Run

  • Grocery Shopping– You could either just run to the grocery store and pick up the staples that most families need. Even more helpful would be to let them know you are at the store, and plan to drop some groceries by, and ask what they need.
  • Drug Store Run– If someone is not feeling well in the house, they may need a few things picked up from the drug store. Ease their load, by seeing if can take that task off of their list.
  • Kids Activities– Running kids to school and extra curricular activities can be a big time and energy saver, for a family who already has a lot on their mind. It helps the kids keep a somewhat normal schedule, and the rest of the family can focus on other more important things.
  • Transportation to Appointments– While my son was sick, we only had one car. We were often reliant on city transportation or friends to help get my husband to the hospital, home , or to work. Having a friends help with transportation was such a blessing during that time.

While youre out running errands, think about what family you could help while your out. Just sending a quick text asking what they need, could bring a great blessing to a burdened family.


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